Louisiana Division Distinguished Camp

1996,97,98,99,05,06 &2007

2002 & 2005 Judah P. Benjamin

National Scrapbook Award

To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans,we submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought, to your strength will be given the Defense of the Confederates Soldier's good name, the gaurdianship of his history, the emulations of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles he loved and which you also cherish.

Confederate Monument, Caddo Parish Courthouse
Shreveport, La

Read about Dick Taylor

Links South!

What is the SCV?

1308 Activites Gallery

History & Officers

Confederate Heros-an Essay

Confederate History Month '07 Shreveport

Confederate History Month '07 Bossier City

11th Louisiana Infantry Co. K "Shreveport Rebels"

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This page made by Chuck McMichael
This page last updated June 2005