*The men of the Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor Camp #1308 of Shreveport, La CSA welcome you to their home on the web, pull up a chair on the porch and visit with us a spell.

The Taylor Camp was chartered in 1971. But as late as 1994 only had 25 members. Now we stand at near 150 members.
The Taylor camp is the largest in the Louisiana Division, and the oldest existing Camp in North Louisiana. But more than that, it is very active in carrying out the Charge of S.D. Lee. The Taylor Camp has been in the front line of all Heritage fights in their area and indeed the state. We are out in the public almost every weekend promoting our heritage, whether in parades, doing living histories or having booths at local festivals. The Taylor Camp has had a booth every year for the entire two weeks at the La State Fair for four years in a row. It is estimated that about seven thousand people have contact with us there every year.
* In May of 1998 the Taylor camp served as host to the La Division Reunion, at which we secured the hotel's flagpole and flew a 5X8 3rd National for the duration right next to I-20.
* At the 1999 Division Reunion, the Taylor Camp won the Louisiana Tiger Award for the fourth straight year. This is awarded to the most active and distinguished camp in the State.
Past Taylor Camp Commander Paul Gramling was elected ATM Commander for 2000-2001.
Taylor Camp Past Comdr. Chuck McMichael was awarded the Gov. Thomas O Moore award for service above and beyond the call of duty and in 2002 the Robert E Lee Medal. He also served as the Genealogist for the SCV, National Chief of Staff and in 2004 was elected Commander of the La Div. At the 2000 Division Reunion, Adjutant Robert Barnard was awarded the Outstanding Compatriot of the NW Brigade Award. In 2004 Compatriot Will Mason was awarded this honor. Past Commander Paul Gramling now serves as the National Chief of Heritage Defense.

He has also served as both Division and Army Commnader.

Compatriot Ben Head served as the Commander of the NW Brigade and Compatriot Roger Anderson served as the Louisiana Division Adjutant fromm 2004-2006.

In 2006 Chuck McMichael was elected ATM Councilman.In 2007 Adjutant Scott Summers was presented the Outstanding Compatriot Award for the NW Brigade. In 2007 Paul Gramling recieved the Divisions highest award,the Thomas O. Moore Award
*But these accomplishments are all now past, the Taylor camp is committed in the future to work even harder to see that our Confederate Heritage attains all the proper respect due it!!!
To Contact us e-mail

Officers 2004-2006


David Hill

Lt. Commander

Joe Bragg


Scott Summers


Steven Hitt

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